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The BRAVEST move you can make.


"Sometimes asking for help is the bravest move you can make.  You don't have to go it alone."


Oh boy, not only did I think I could do it alone, but I tried and I tried and I tried. "It" being pretty much EVERYTHING in my life. 

Honestly, I didn't ask for help until about a year ago when it was practically forced on me through a mini-intervention at Cafe Nero, a local coffee shop here. 

You two know who you are and my heart is forever grateful. xo

This intervention came after a 2nd round of Shingles for me (yeah... I know) as a desperate plea for me to slow down, get my bearings, and say yes to all of the people who were offering to help me.  

And I did... after some tears, a lot of deep breaths, and swallowing my pride, of course.  

Up to this point, I was a self-proclaimed Super Woman who not only could do everything but should do everything by herself, with a smile.  That makes me laugh now...


Asking for help...

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"Here I am... again." ~ How the Pain of Being Stuck is Actually Your Power

“Here I am… again.”

This was my (defeating) thought this past Sunday as I moved into the FIFTH place I’ve lived since arriving in MA less than 3 years ago.

The familiar lug of heavy boxes, endless bags, HUGE plastic bins, and the bits and bobbles we seem to take with us everywhere we go, even though we don’t really need them.  

There I was...again...back and forth between huffing & puffing from going up and down the stairs, the sighs of overwhelm, silently cursing as I bump an elbow or a knee on a corner; and some tears.  These tears were partly out of frustration, partly from being alone, and mostly from the pain of thinking, “Here I am, again”.

Let’s take a quick step back…   

For those of you that don’t know, I moved to MA from TX in March of 2016 to create a life that I imagined to be PERFECT!  After living in TX for 36 years at this point, this was an adventure of a lifetime…...

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The 3 Words We Say When Someone Else is Steering the Ship

Good  Morning, Derith!

Today is the 2nd Tuesday of 2019... I think I finally have my days right... and we're emerging from the holiday fuzz feeling ready to create a solid and most definitely,FIERCE 2019!

As we move into a space of endless possibilities, it's easy to feel overwhelmed by all of the noise out there, leaving us unsure of where to begin. This "noise" can cloud our vision to the point where we start using language based on fear, shame, and comparison.

Three words in particular that come to mind...

Any time I hear these 3 words come out of my own mouth or a client's mouth, I know someone else is steering the ship. 

I went LIVE on my Coach D. page on Sunday to share what these 3 words are and to give you 3 new words to FLIP the navigation back to you to create your BEST 2019!

Click the video below to watch!

I'd love to hear what your "supposed to, should, and need" statements are! Please share them in the comments below!


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The ONLY Thing You Need for 2019 + 19 Questions to Help You Find It!

fierce habits lifestyle Dec 31, 2018
The only thing you need for 2019 is YOU!  Not a new program, a challenge, or a new, shiny object.  Just YOU!
Something I love to teach as a coach is self-trust, trusting your intuition, knowing that you know, actually believing that you know what is best for you.  
There’s a famous quote by Lao Tzu that says, "At the center of your being you have the answer, you know who you are and you know what you want.”  
I shared my thoughts on how you to get back to YOU for 2019 and why resolutions are "so last year" in my Facebook LIVE video below.  You can click on the video to watch it or scroll down to continue reading...
I truly believe that is the case… we’ve just been told for so long that we don’t have the answers and have been bombarded with notifications, comparisons, social media, misdirected by all of the noise...
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My Top 8 Healthy (and FIERCE) Gift Ideas for 2018

Oh happy day, Derith!

It's the Tuesday before Christmas and the busy buzz is in the air!

Last minute things to do here and there... lots of "oops, I forgot..." and "I still need to..." 

Well, in case some of your to do items involve picking up a few more gifts, then I have you covered!  

Here are my top 8 healthy (and FIERCE) gift ideas for the special people in your life who have staying healthy at the top of their list. 

1. Pampered Chef Infusion Water Bottle

Making your water taste delicious has never been easier! The Infusion Water Bottle lets you drink your way, whether you sip or chug. The strainer lets you infuse the flavors of your favorite fruits and veggies—it’s a no-fuss, on-the-go way to elevate ordinary water.

2.  Danielle Walker's Cookbook, "Eat What You Love"

The BEST of gluten-free, dairy-free, and paleo recipes right at your fingertips from the author that brought us "Against All Grain." ...

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Create Your Own Home Gym for Under $100


Even with the best laid plans, there are days where life just doesn’t allow you to get to the gym.  And, truth be told, there are days when we simply don’t feel like going! Yes, even me...

Most of you know that I LOVE the gym more than pretty much any other place on earth and there are still those days when I don’t want to go to the gym.

Whether you have a fully stocked gym at home with a ton of space or no equipment at all without any space, you will find something here to help you stay fit no matter what!  

I have learned, through a lot of trial and error, that having a “home gym” with a few pieces of small equipment at the ready gives me the opportunity to get in a quick workout any time and eliminates the excuse that you have to go to the gym to get in a good workout!

Whether you have a fully stocked gym at home with a ton of space or no equipment at all without any space, you will find something here to help you stay fit no matter...

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CHOOSE Your Thoughts - And See Possibility Everywhere!

“She’s a dreamer, a doer, a thinker.  She sees possibility everywhere.” - Unknown

I love this quote and to me it describes the FIERCE woman...

* we DREAM big for our goals

* we DO take action on what’s necessary to move forward

* we THINK positively to create empowered choices

* we SEE possibility everywhere because we choose to BELIEVE

That last line… “we choose to believe”, can be a tricky one.

At this moment, there are countless beliefs you have about yourself, your family, the world, & life in general, and just thinking about them can trigger many thoughts and memories and feelings…good, bad, and indifferent.  

Unfortunately, when it comes to beliefs about ourselves, negative thoughts and limiting beliefs that hold us back from feeling good in our skin, trying new things, going for it despite the fear - are an easy go-to. They may feel true on core level because of a real-life experience...

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How to Feel Accomplished in 5 Minutes!

I don't know about you, but my usual go-to at the end of pretty much anything is, "what's next"? 

Whether it is the end of an hour, the end of the day, or in today's case, the end of the month.

"Ok, so that's done. Now what do I have to do?" That sounds positive and feels exciting doesn't it?  Yeah, I didn't think so.  

But alas, it is human nature for us to move so quickly from one to-do item to the next, that we barely acknowledge anything we have accomplished and instead just focus on all of the things we still have to do.  Sound familiar?   

(Hmm, I wonder why we feel tired a lot of the time...) 

Today I'm going to share with you one of my favorite techniques for feeling accomplished FAST - no matter how big (or never-ending) the to-do list.  This is a QUICK strategy you can adopt hourly, daily, weekly or monthly, to recognize and celebrate ...
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3 Easy Ways to Get Back on Track When You Fall Off the Wagon

fitness goals nutrition Jul 24, 2018

Let's be really honest here - how often do you give yourself credit for accomplishing all of your fitness and nutrition goals?

OR - do you focus MORE on the times when you:

• slipped up and had ice cream 
• indulged in a slice of pizza (or 4) 
• skipped a workout in favor of Netflix
• couldn't make it to the gym on time because of "x, y or z"

And then (WORSE) beat yourself up for these common occurrences (which are totally normal, by the way) and feel - well.... kinda like a failure at meeting your wellness goals?


And you wanna know what?  Getting off track is PART OF THE PROCESS in achieving your goals.  It happens to the best of us! (Me included).   

Check out this short, sweet video where I give you my Top 3 Tips for Easily Getting Back on Track- and most importantly avoid feeling like a failure. 

The quick snapshot: 

1. Know your final destination and your 1st pit stop. 

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39 Years of Lessons, Quotes, & Thoughts

39 Years of Lessons, Quotes & Thoughts…

Today is July 10th and it is my birthday.

It's funny, growing up birthdays were never a big deal so even now, at 39, it feels a bit strange to announce, "It's my birthday!"  

Sure, I had parties and cake, but nothing too special... well, except for my 10th birthday which was epic!  A slumber party, a cake that looked like a hamburger, staying up 'til midnight, and a white Swatch watch... yeah, that was a big one.

But, here I am, 29 years later realizing that I only really started celebrating in the last few years.  I actually used to pride myself on working on my birthday, demanding no one bought me any gifts, and purposely not making a fuss of it.

Why?  Well, I guess there could be a million reasons but I believe it mostly comes down to not wanting to be boastful or proud or one of those people...

But as I am learning to flip my mindset from lack to abundance, I am embracing my birthday as a big deal.  It...

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