Disappearing Weekends? #habits fitness food mindset organization time management weekends Apr 27, 2021

Disappearing weekends...yeah, it's a thing. We look forward to it all week and almost as soon as it starts, it's over.

Did you know that there's 60 hours between that 6 p.m. Friday...

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Joyful Conversations, hearty laughs & strong hugs #fierce #habits family fulfillment love positive thinking positivity time management Mar 23, 2021

370 days.

That's the our count since the "shutdown" happened for FIERCE. March 18, 2020, was our last class at the Garage Gym.

And here we are... not quite shutdown anymore but not...

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The 20 Minute Secret for a Stellar 2020 fierce planning ahead time management Jan 26, 2020

Yesterday was the 20th day of 2020! Ba-Boom! I love the sound of that and thought it was the ideal time to share the 20 minute secret for a stellar 2020... which you can do...

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