39 Years of Lessons, Quotes, & Thoughts change fierce gratitude life balance self-care Jul 09, 2018

39 Years of Lessons, Quotes & Thoughts…

Today is July 10th and it is my birthday.

It's funny, growing up birthdays were never a big deal so even now, at 39, it feels a bit strange to...

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Building Up or Beating Up? How You Can Tell the Difference. acceptance change empowerment fierce Jun 26, 2018

Oh my, my, the line is fine between building ourselves up and beating ourselves up.

I am going to share a little story so you can tell the difference between them and identify the areas in your...

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How Tough Change Leads To More Empowerment acceptance change empowerment Jun 11, 2018

She said, “You’re a bit the frayed edge on a pair of jeans, which at first glance looks rough but is actually quite stylish.”

Let’s call her...

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