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Instead of that...

Instead of...

Motivation focus on ENERGY

Calories focus on CHEMICALS

Weight loss focus on SELF-CARE

Wine focus on SLEEP

Complaining focus on GRATITUDE

Pressure focus on PURPOSE

Expectations focus on BOUNDARIES

Stress focus on PRIORITIES

Balance focus on HARMONY

Burning out focus on PLAY

Consuming focus on RELEASING

Constriction focus on EXPANSION

More focus on BETTER

Hate focus on LOVE


Instead of thinking of ALL things you have to do, focus on the few you MUST do to move the needle forward this week.

It's usually a lot less than you think.

You got this & we've got your back!

~ Coach D. & the FIERCE Team!

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Joyful Conversations, hearty laughs & strong hugs

370 days.

That's the our count since the "shutdown" happened for FIERCE. March 18, 2020, was our last class at the Garage Gym.

And here we are... not quite shutdown anymore but not quite back to normal...and definitely headed towards the bright side. 

Sliver Linings... yes, that saying can feel cliche and also carries so much truth for us these days. I know I have used it more times in the past year than in the previous 40 years of my life. 

This pandemic did come with silver linings and while they are different for all of us, I feel that this rings true for most...

We soon realized it was not the material things we missed, but the human contact. We craved for the company of others, joyful conversations, hearty laughs, and strong hugs... in the end that's what mattered most and that's what life is all about.

There was, and still is, an abundance of things I wouldn't have learned, felt, or experienced if it weren't for the pandemic; and the more I...

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Creating a Solid Morning Routine

The F.I.E.R.C.E. Life

Tuesday, January 23, 2018

Creating a Solid Morning Routine

Hello Tuesday!

I love the quote above from Anne Lamott, a brilliant American novelist...

"The hour before the world gets to you is precious and sacred time."

Let that seep in for just a moment.

What does your typical morning time consists of?

Is it yours?

Is it calm?

Is it nurturing?

Does it help set you up for success?

We have two Tuesdays left in January and since this is the month of building new habits, I thought we could take these two opportunities in The F.I.E.R.C.E. Life to build effective morning and nighttime routines.

And today, we begin with mornings.


By simply putting a few steps into place, we can reclaim our mornings so they do indeed feel "precious and sacred".

The purpose of a morning routine to is to ground the mind, body and soul to generate clarity on where we choose to put our energy.

This clarity moves us away from react mode (other's agendas) and into intentional choice...

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The Power of ONE thing & the color RED!


Happy Tuesday!

This is the first morsel of The F.I.E.R.C.E. Life, your weekly dose of quick inspiration to shift perspective on fuel, fitness, and fulfillment.

This FLIP in mindset will show us that we have the choice, every single day, to show up & take action that brings us closer to becoming our best self, our fiercest self.

Today, we begin with one thing and the color red...

And, because I can hardly contain my excitement for kicking off our weekly inbox "date", I have a quick video to share it all!

Prefer to read instead? No problem!
Scroll down to read all the nuggets I share in the video.

Here we fiercely go!
~ Coach D.

For the readers:  

Boom and Good Morning!

Welcome to your first weekly dose of The F.IE.R.C.E. Life!  A little inspiration that will be delivered directly to your inbox each week so we can start to shift our perspective on food, fitness, and fulfillment.

This is what I call, “The F.I.E.R.C.E. Effect”.  

The effect that you...

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Stress Does NOT Go With My Outfit

The F.I.E.R.C.E. Life

Tuesday, February 20, 2018

Stress Does NOT Go With My Outfit

Are you wearing any STRESS today?

How does it feel?

Does it go with YOUR outfit?

Stress is something that has become the norm and in many circles can even be a badge of honor, similar to the glorification of busy. Been there...still there?

However, we know that when we experience, feel, & wear our stress for any period of time, it feels a lot less like a badge of honor and more like a 20-ton load on our backs, for all to see.

And, as I recently learned, your body will give you a WAKE-UP CALL, in my case SHINGLES, if you ignore any of the warnings for too long.

It's a bit ironic actually... this whole stress thing... since stress was something we needed back in the "running from a lion to save my life" days as a natural way to keep us safe.

In today's world, we've manipulated that fight or flight response in a way that's causing harm & draining our energy faster than the lion we were...

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