Yesterday was the 20th day of 2020! Ba-Boom! I love the sound of that and thought it was the ideal time to share the 20 minute secret for a stellar 2020... which you can do every single day in the simplest of ways! What's the secret??? I shared a quick coaching session about this in a video last night that you can watch below, and I also wanted to give you a quick rundown so you can get started today! The secret to having stellar days, weeks, and months that turn into a stellar year is to start your morning the night before! Yup, that's it! I know, I know... not the sexiest answer, and perhaps one you've heard before; but it IS the practical and actionable answer that will help propel you forward fast! Setting aside 20 minutes each night to get started on tomorrow allows you to go to bed feeling relaxed, reduces the number of decisions you need to make in the morning, and creates a calmer start to your day! Click the pic to watch the... |