Instead of that... fierce life balance lifestyle mindset motivation perspective positive thinking positivity thoughts Jun 08, 2021

Instead of...

Motivation focus on ENERGY

Calories focus on CHEMICALS

Weight loss focus on SELF-CARE

Wine focus on SLEEP

Complaining focus on GRATITUDE

Pressure focus on PURPOSE


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Joyful Conversations, hearty laughs & strong hugs #fierce #habits family fulfillment love positive thinking positivity time management Mar 23, 2021

370 days.

That's the our count since the "shutdown" happened for FIERCE. March 18, 2020, was our last class at the Garage Gym.

And here we are... not quite shutdown anymore but not...

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Making Your Home-Space Work for You! anchors books fierce habits meal prep mindset positivity reading May 12, 2020

Making Your Home-Space Work for You!

It's been somewhere between 6-8 weeks for most of us since we've been homebound. We doing pretty much everything from...

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Calling Up Difficult Emotions fierce habits lifestyle positivity Feb 05, 2019


We’ve all felt difficult emotions at some point in our life. 

It's part of the human experience.


And, as humans the temptation is to "fix it"to get through...

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"Here I am... again." ~ How the Pain of Being Stuck is Actually Your Power #fierce #habits gratitude mindset positivity Jan 14, 2019

“Here I am… again.”

This was my (defeating) thought this past Sunday as I moved into the FIFTH place I’ve lived since arriving in MA less than 3 years ago.

The familiar lug...

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The 3 Words We Say When Someone Else is Steering the Ship fierce habits mindset motivation positivity Jan 08, 2019

Good  Morning, Derith!

Today is the 2nd Tuesday of 2019... I think I finally have my days right... and we're emerging from the holiday fuzz feeling ready to create a solid...

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How to Feel Accomplished in 5 Minutes! accomplished goals mindset positivity self-care Jul 31, 2018

I don't know about you, but my usual go-to at the end of pretty much anything is, "what's next"? 

Whether it is the end of an hour, the end of the day, or in today's case, the end of the...

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