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Instead of that...

Instead of...

Motivation focus on ENERGY

Calories focus on CHEMICALS

Weight loss focus on SELF-CARE

Wine focus on SLEEP

Complaining focus on GRATITUDE

Pressure focus on PURPOSE

Expectations focus on BOUNDARIES

Stress focus on PRIORITIES

Balance focus on HARMONY

Burning out focus on PLAY

Consuming focus on RELEASING

Constriction focus on EXPANSION

More focus on BETTER

Hate focus on LOVE


Instead of thinking of ALL things you have to do, focus on the few you MUST do to move the needle forward this week.

It's usually a lot less than you think.

You got this & we've got your back!

~ Coach D. & the FIERCE Team!

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Disappearing Weekends?

Disappearing weekends...yeah, it's a thing. We look forward to it all week and almost as soon as it starts, it's over.

Did you know that there's 60 hours between that 6 p.m. Friday glass of wine and that 6 a.m. Monday alarm clock?

Shocking, I know.

Even if you sleep for 24 of those hours, that leaves 36 waking ones. That’s plenty of time for fun, relaxation and more importantly, recharging the batteries. However, we often try to cram in as much as humanly possible... errands, get togethers, downtime, workouts, grocery shopping... as time quickly slips away, creating that disappearing act we're all too familiar with.

We want weekends that allow us to decompress from the week while having time for some fun AND leaving us feeling refreshed, not exhausted or disappointed, so we can hit Monday ready to go. Am I right?

It IS possible to create this harmony in our weekends. It just takes a little guidance and some fierce intention.

I've got 5 easy ways you can start...

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Making Your Home-Space Work for You!

Making Your Home-Space Work for You!

It's been somewhere between 6-8 weeks for most of us since we've been homebound. We doing pretty much everything from our homes and so is everyone else in our families...what's a FIERCE lady to do?

Make your space work for YOU!

Even as we begin the transition back (albeit slowly) to activities, restaurants, etc, it is important to include the things into our spaces that allow us to feel supported, comfortable, relaxed, and productive.

And, this can be ANYTHING! There are no right or wrongs here. There's simply what works for you.

Today I am sharing my home-spaces to show you what I am doing to add a few touches here and there that create harmony in my pandemic life in the hopes they inspire you to take action!

Enjoy! ~ D. xo

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My Nespresso Machine

This is what kicks off my morning "work mode"ritual. I LOVE it. Not only am I saving over $50 a...

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5 Flips in 5 Minutes

fierce mindset Mar 10, 2020

Did you know that your mindset is your secret weapon? And, when used in your favor, will take you places you haven't even imagined?

Well, it's true and the beauty in this is that you can shift your mindset with a simple flip in perspective. Aka, the FIERCE Flip.

Today, I'm sharing 5 Flips that are 1 minute each. That's it! 5 minutes to FLIP it!

Let's Go!

~ Coach D. xo

Watch and learn how a simple switch in words can completely flip your perspective to the FIERCE side.

May the FIERCE be with you. 

~ Coach D. 

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The BRAVEST move you can make.


"Sometimes asking for help is the bravest move you can make.  You don't have to go it alone."


Oh boy, not only did I think I could do it alone, but I tried and I tried and I tried. "It" being pretty much EVERYTHING in my life. 

Honestly, I didn't ask for help until about a year ago when it was practically forced on me through a mini-intervention at Cafe Nero, a local coffee shop here. 

You two know who you are and my heart is forever grateful. xo

This intervention came after a 2nd round of Shingles for me (yeah... I know) as a desperate plea for me to slow down, get my bearings, and say yes to all of the people who were offering to help me.  

And I did... after some tears, a lot of deep breaths, and swallowing my pride, of course.  

Up to this point, I was a self-proclaimed Super Woman who not only could do everything but should do everything by herself, with a smile.  That makes me laugh now...


Asking for help...

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"Here I am... again." ~ How the Pain of Being Stuck is Actually Your Power

“Here I am… again.”

This was my (defeating) thought this past Sunday as I moved into the FIFTH place I’ve lived since arriving in MA less than 3 years ago.

The familiar lug of heavy boxes, endless bags, HUGE plastic bins, and the bits and bobbles we seem to take with us everywhere we go, even though we don’t really need them.  

There I was...again...back and forth between huffing & puffing from going up and down the stairs, the sighs of overwhelm, silently cursing as I bump an elbow or a knee on a corner; and some tears.  These tears were partly out of frustration, partly from being alone, and mostly from the pain of thinking, “Here I am, again”.

Let’s take a quick step back…   

For those of you that don’t know, I moved to MA from TX in March of 2016 to create a life that I imagined to be PERFECT!  After living in TX for 36 years at this point, this was an adventure of a lifetime…...

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The 3 Words We Say When Someone Else is Steering the Ship

Good  Morning, Derith!

Today is the 2nd Tuesday of 2019... I think I finally have my days right... and we're emerging from the holiday fuzz feeling ready to create a solid and most definitely,FIERCE 2019!

As we move into a space of endless possibilities, it's easy to feel overwhelmed by all of the noise out there, leaving us unsure of where to begin. This "noise" can cloud our vision to the point where we start using language based on fear, shame, and comparison.

Three words in particular that come to mind...

Any time I hear these 3 words come out of my own mouth or a client's mouth, I know someone else is steering the ship. 

I went LIVE on my Coach D. page on Sunday to share what these 3 words are and to give you 3 new words to FLIP the navigation back to you to create your BEST 2019!

Click the video below to watch!

I'd love to hear what your "supposed to, should, and need" statements are! Please share them in the comments below!


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How to Feel Accomplished in 5 Minutes!

I don't know about you, but my usual go-to at the end of pretty much anything is, "what's next"? 

Whether it is the end of an hour, the end of the day, or in today's case, the end of the month.

"Ok, so that's done. Now what do I have to do?" That sounds positive and feels exciting doesn't it?  Yeah, I didn't think so.  

But alas, it is human nature for us to move so quickly from one to-do item to the next, that we barely acknowledge anything we have accomplished and instead just focus on all of the things we still have to do.  Sound familiar?   

(Hmm, I wonder why we feel tired a lot of the time...) 

Today I'm going to share with you one of my favorite techniques for feeling accomplished FAST - no matter how big (or never-ending) the to-do list.  This is a QUICK strategy you can adopt hourly, daily, weekly or monthly, to recognize and celebrate ...
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