Did you know that your mindset is your secret weapon? And, when used in your favor, will take you places you haven't even imagined?Well, it's true and the beauty in this is that you can shift... |
"Sometimes asking for help is the bravest move you can make. You don't have to go it alone."
Oh boy, not only did I think I could do it alone, but I tried and I tried and I...
“Here I am… again.”
This was my (defeating) thought this past Sunday as I moved into the FIFTH place I’ve lived since arriving in MA less than 3 years ago.
The familiar lug...
Good Morning, Derith!Today is the 2nd Tuesday of 2019... I think I finally have my days right... and we're emerging from the holiday fuzz feeling ready to create a solid... |
I don't know about you, but my usual go-to at the end of pretty much anything is, "what's next"?
Whether it is the end of an hour, the end of the day, or in today's case, the end of the...