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If I could just lose weight...


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These feet were made for walking

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Shake It Off: Doing the Same Things

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It's 2023... and I'm Retiring!

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Break Free from Goals

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Easy AM/PM Routines

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Protect Your Skin this Summer☺️

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Your FIERCE Summer Success Formula

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Why focusing just on RESULTS doesn't work

#habits goals results May 04, 2021

May the 4th be with you, Derith!

Anyone else tempted to say, "and also with you"??? Ha, ha!

Well, Happy May! It's a brand new month, a new start, and hopefully a refreshed outlook on what's lies ahead of us. In my coach head & in the FIERCE life, a new month always brings with it a chance to set new goals to focus on.


I'm curious, what are YOUR goals for May?

Most of the time when I ask this question, I get answers like, "lose weight", "more energy", "drink less wine", "make a million dollars", etc


And, while these technically are goals, they are all OUTCOME goals meaning that they are identifying the outcome or RESULT we are after.

This is the first step in the goal-setting process because it is imperative we know where we want to go; BUT it's setting PROCESS goals that ultimately determines whether or not we achieve the goals we set.



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Disappearing Weekends?

Disappearing weekends...yeah, it's a thing. We look forward to it all week and almost as soon as it starts, it's over.

Did you know that there's 60 hours between that 6 p.m. Friday glass of wine and that 6 a.m. Monday alarm clock?

Shocking, I know.

Even if you sleep for 24 of those hours, that leaves 36 waking ones. That’s plenty of time for fun, relaxation and more importantly, recharging the batteries. However, we often try to cram in as much as humanly possible... errands, get togethers, downtime, workouts, grocery shopping... as time quickly slips away, creating that disappearing act we're all too familiar with.

We want weekends that allow us to decompress from the week while having time for some fun AND leaving us feeling refreshed, not exhausted or disappointed, so we can hit Monday ready to go. Am I right?

It IS possible to create this harmony in our weekends. It just takes a little guidance and some fierce intention.

I've got 5 easy ways you can start...

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